
Tuesday, 19 November 2013

Priceline 40% Off Cosmetics Sale

Nothing gets the blood pumping, adrenaline flowing, and endorphins rushing through my body like a good sale. For me, nothing beats a good sale- and it was that time of the year for nabbing a good bargain at Priceline. In fact, it was their famous makeup-grabbing 40% off cosmetics sale. When I received my notification email the other day, my stomach did somersaults and my eyes turned into heart shaped emojis. As the beginning of the sale season, it's time to arm myself with a wallet full of cash, my knobbly elbows to barge my way through the crowds, and a keen eye for spotting a gem in the drugstore...

I have to say that I am proud of my self restraint here- I only bought the things that I had jotted down on my 'I-need-this-in-my-life-now' list when I could have easily gone wild with a full basket of drugstore goodies. At the top of my list was the L'oreal Infallible Eyeshadow in Permanent Khaki. I have been desperate to pick up a shimmery khaki colour for a long time now, and with Christmas approaching fast, I have deemed it as the colour for the festive season. This leads me to my next purchase- the Maybelline Colour Tattoo in Bold Gold. Let me tell you, I love a good cream shadow. I am a sucker for the little glass pots full of creamy goodness and these offerings from Maybelline are no different. After already owning Bad to the Bronze- a gorgeous cool toned bronze shimmer- I knew I had to try more, and following the Christmas theme, this one was the one.

Now onto the less festive but just as equally beautiful shadows. My next pick was MaxFactor's Wild Shadow Pots in Auburn Envy. This is honestly pressed heaven- a gorgeous not-too-cool-not-too-warm bronze colour. I have already cracked this one open (I couldn't help it!) and wore it all over the lid and I am pleased to inform you that it looks stunning. Paired with a thick coat of mascara, your eyes are done- minimal effort for a gorgeous effect. It also looks great with the Rimmel Scandaleyes Eyeshadow Stick in Bad Girl Bronze smudged in the outer v, and along the upper and lower lash lines for a more smokey look. I also grabbed the Maybelline MyShadow Mini in 337. I have previously tried shades 309 (a champagne shimmer) and 441 (a gorgeous frosty light purple/taupe hybrid) and fell in love- I am looking forward to slicking this one on for the dream look for green eyed gals- a purple smokey eye. 

After trying the Bourjois Colour Boost Lip Crayon in Orange Boost when they first launched in Australia, I knew I had to get my hands on another and I had been eyeing off Peach on the Beach for a long time. These lip crayons are so glossy and unbelievably creamy, giving a beautiful boost of colour without being sticky on the lips. Perfection. I have also been on the hunt for a really pigmented orange-toned red lip pencil since I saw the NARS Lip Pencil in Red Square. This shade seems to be a good dupe for its NARS counterpart and is extremely, extremely pigmented. This is a beautiful shade and I know I will be popping this on throughout summer, and may even be a contender for my Christmas day lip of choice. I also grabbed a backup Maybelline Baby Lips in Anti-Oxidant Berry- nothing particularly exciting there except it smells like a mixed berry smoothie mmmm. 

Lastly, I only picked up one nail colour- my collection is growing a bit too fast to be healthy and I have almost run out of room for storage (oops!). I absolutely adore the Covergirl Outlast Stay Brilliant Nail Glosses (I picked up the red one previously) but I wish they had a larger shade range- maybe Australia hasn't been graced with all of the colours? Who knows... Despite this, I fell head over heels in love with the shade Out of the Blue- the perfect mid-toned bright blue. It's taking all of my self control to not paint my nails with it as I type. 

Looking into my crystal ball of cosmetics, I predict some of these will become firm favourites for the next few months. It's time for the drugstore to dominate a predominantly high-end beauty routine...

PS. As I have finished school now, I will be posting more regularly- Mondays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays from this day forward *hand over heart*

PSS. Get keen for the massive 12 Days of Christmas Beauty Mayhem that is set to grace your screens on December 14th- 12 Christmas-centric posts dealing with all things beauty- a mix of makeup, bath and body, and maybe a DIY or two so keep your eyes peeled for that one!

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