
Thursday, 13 February 2014

Liebster Award

Hey beauties! Recently I was nominated for the Liebster Award by the lovely Ray from Obey Ray (thank you!) and I loved her post- it's such a nice way to share more of my life with you, introduce myself to new readers (hello, welcome to my part of the internet!). 

So what exactly is the Liebster Award? Liebster is a German word for dearest, beloved, kindest and many other sweet adjectives. This is an award given to bloggers who have less than 400 followers and blogs are nominated by a fellow blogger- kind of like a virtual blogging hug. Since Valentine's Day is today in Australia (or tomorrow, depending on where you are in the world), this is such a great way for me to share the love with you all!

  1. Each nominee must mention and link back the person who nominated them.
  2. Answer the 11 questions given to you by the nominator.
  3. List 11 random facts about yourself.
  4. Nominate 11 blogs who have less than 400 followers for this award.
  5. Create 11 questions for your nominees to answer.
  6. Inform your nominees that you have nominated them.
Here are the questions that Ray has asked me!
1. What’s your favourite movie?
My favourite movie would have to be any of the Lord of the Rings movies (including the Hobbit trilogy)! There's just something about Middle Earth that just sucks me in and the mini Legolas figurine on my desk always makes me smile. Fingers crossed I'll be able to hop over to New Zealand in the near future!

2. Coffee or tea?
Definitely coffee. The smell of tea makes me gag and I just can't find anything nice about it! I'm not a massive coffee drinker but every once in a while I'll have a coffee- black with no sugar if you're interested. 

3.  What’s your favourite TV show?
It would have to be a tie between Game of Thrones and America's Next Top Model. Kind of weird combination I know, but they are both so good! I'm so excited for Season 4 of GoT to come out in April and of course Cycle 21 of ANTM.

4. If you had to eat the same thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?
This one is such a toughie! My heart says pizza but realistically, I would probably pick sandwiches. You can have different toppings every day and you can toast them- perfect.

5. Gold or silver?
I would have to say gold. My favourite rings are rose gold and in my opinion, nothing beats a gorgeous piece of gold jewellery.

6. What was the last good book you read?
The last book I read was Room by Emma Donoghue. It's a really chilling story told from the perspective of Jack, a five year old, who lives in a single room with his mother. I would recommend this book to everyone as it is a really moving book!

7. What is your favourite high-end foundation/powder?
My favourite high end foundation is definitely Chanel Vitalumiere Aqua because it's lightweight texture gives a dewy finish with light-medium coverage. And for powder, my favourite (along with what it seems the whole beauty blogging community) would be the Hourglass Ambient Lighting powder in Diffused Light- surprise, surprise. 

8. What is your favourite drug store mascara?
Without a doubt it would be Maybelline The Falsies. It gives great length and some serious volume and it doesn't hurt my wallet!

9. If You could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?
New York. I desperately want to move there after university to work for the United Nations to work in human rights! New York has so much culture, soul, and opportunities and I at the first chance I get to move, I'm taking it without a second thought.

10. What is your favourite beauty blog at the moment?
I don't feel like my answer to this question will ever change; it's always Anna's blog, Vivianna Does Makeup. Her photography is always beautiful, her posts always make me chuckle and her insight into the beauty world always leaves me with a new idea, product on my wishlist, and jealous of her makeup stash!

11. What quality do you find most attractive in others?
To me, kindness is extremely important. Kindness towards the less fortunate, animals, service people, family members, friends, strangers. It's getting rarer for a person to be extremely kind, but it's definitely a quality that I value in others.

Now for 11 random facts about me!
1. I hate bananas to the point that if somebody is eating one, I have to leave the room.
2. My favourite colour would be yellow (it matches my name!), but my favourite colours to wear are black and white.
3. I have broken my nose, my ankle, and my toe.
4. I was Dux of my high school and received first place subject awards in English, English Extension, Ancient History, and Modern History.
5. I absolutely adore bakery foods like vanilla slice, apple pie, donuts... mmmmm.
6. I am anaemic.
7. Cats, red pandas, and orang-utans are my favourite animals.
8. I used to play the piano accordion.
9. I can't drive! I am hopelessly terrible behind the wheel- my palms get sweaty, my heartbeat drowns out all the other noises and in my first lesson I ran into a wheelie bin. 
10. I absolutely adore learning facts about the world and science in general despite hating it at school. I can watch hours upon hours of fact videos on YouTube and still want to know more!
11. I took my first steps and learnt to walk in Fiji of all places!

People I Nominate (in no particular order)
Anna Blush // Breton & Blush // Eyes For Makeup // Jennifer Ruuska // Luxury on the Lips // Splash of Glamour // Waite a Little // Wake Up For Makeup // Colliding Interests // Michelle's Edit // The Violet Voices 

My questions for you...
1. What is your all time favourite lip product?
2. What is your favourite thing about yourself?
3. Who is your idol and why?
4. What is the most exciting thing you've ever done?
5. Who is your favourite musician?
6. Do you prefer matte or dewy foundation?
7. What is your favourite dessert?
8. If you could have a plane ticket to anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?
9. What is your most treasured possession?
10. If you had to live in any ancient civilisation, which one would you choose?
11. How many pairs of shoes do you own?

Please let me know when your post goes up so I can read it! <3 #spreadthelove
I hope you all enjoyed this post and learnt a little something about me!


  1. I really enjoy reading these posts! It's such a fantastic way to find great new reads.
    Celina | The Celution | Bloglovin’

  2. So glad you did the post! I loved reading your answers!

    Ray | Obey Ray
