
Sunday, 16 February 2014

Shopping Sins: Singapore Haul Part II

It's time for the second instalment of my embarrassingly large holiday haul: the non-beauty bits that I picked up in frenzied shopping trips across Singapore. (Authors note: I had to sit on my suitcase while my brother struggled to zip my suitcase up after repacking countless times and extending the suitcase's capacity and filling my carryon to the maximum weight. #notsorry). 

Markets are my Achilles heel to say the least and promises of cheap goods in a bustling environment really gets the adrenaline pumping, oh yeah. I managed to pick up three jumpers from the Bugis Street Markets in one go (a bit nuts considering it is the middle of summer in Australia and was also pretty hot in Singapore when I was there). Another seemingly excess buy, two watches with rose gold detailing: one with a black face and one with a white face. What can I say, I'm indecisive and the feeling of never getting the opportunity again enables me. 

Next up, some new sandals. My favourite sandals are just about to bite the dust after four years of love, and these cute black sandals give me the courage to finally dump the other ones (RIP my friend) and I also picked up some killer shades from another stall- how wicked are these ones? I'm in love with the over-sized round shape but the gold detailing along the top frame is just the icing on the cake. And the best bit? I managed to snap up everything for around eighty Aussie dollars (score!). 

Orchard Road was the next stop on my cash-waving frenzy, and while it was mainly reserved for window shopping in the designer stores, I did snag a few bargains in Forever 21. I got some athletic-style slouchy leather shorts which were love at first sight and a pair of cute gold triangular earrings. If the talk that F21 is coming to Brisbane sometime this year is true, I will be one happy girl!

Time for the part that leaves me weeping as I eat from a tin of baked beans for dinner. Two slightly OTT purchases that were spurred on by a good ol' dose of 'carpe diem' and #yolo (it started off as ironic, but now look at me- I need #yolo rehab stat.). Here it is: the most gorgeous leather makeup bag you will ever see. I bought this from the Raffles gift store for almost $150AUD but I'm pleased to say that the quality makes up for the price. The leather is excellent and the zip is incredible quality and I have a feeling I will be using this for years. And my final purchase... *drum roll please*... An iPad Air. I'd been considering buying one for ages and since university was just around the corner I threw all caution to the wind and in a moment of insanity I sidled up to the counter at Duty Free and bought this bad boy. And I'm in love.

So that's it for my haul and I wouldn't have stopped there if it wasn't for my bank balance dropping dangerously low. Bring on the poor student life!

PS. Is it just me or is Flappy Bird infinitely easier on an iPad than it is on the iPhone? Either way, I'm not complaining!

1 comment:

  1. Such lovely products! I'd love to visit Singapore some day.
    Celina | The Celution | Bloglovin’
