
Wednesday, 18 December 2013

Philosophy Cinnamon Buns

The mid-week pamper session is something that is often neglected in our bust lives, and taking some down time and relaxing can be pushed to the bottom of the list during the hectic month that is December. With an endless amount of shopping, wrapping, Christmas card writing to do, it is even more important to just relax and get away from it all. One of my favourite ways to unwind is to take a hot bath, burn a candle or two, and shut my eyes for an hour in the dim light. Heaven.

Rich, creamy, and down-right delicious, Philosophy Cinnamon Buns is my bubble bath of choice right now. It smells like warm bakery treats with a hint of cinnamon (mmm, my favourite) and fills up the room with a spicy and sweet scent. I find this gem works equally as well as a shower gel and a bubble bath, but I prefer to use this as a bath treat to finish off a hard day watching Christmas movies and eating festive cookies working. The scent just fills me up with happiness and the mass bubbles it produces allows me to unlock my inner child, complete with a bubble Santa beard and 'stache. 

This legendary shower gel will set you back $30 a bottle in Australia (ouch) but in my opinion, it is worth the splurge- a Christmas treat that just can't be beat! ;)


  1. It is a pricey body wash, but the scent is absolutely amazing! Xx

    Makeup by Candlelight

    1. My wallet cried a little when I purchased this but in my opinion, the quality is worth the price tag!

  2. I love this stuff! One of my fav shower gels for sure. Never used it in a bath but looking forward to the day I do :)
