
Wednesday, 29 January 2014

Liquid Light

There's just something so gorgeous about fresh, healthy, glowing skin. As I have quite dry skin, my complexion often looks a bit lacklustre so I need to ramp up the glow to look more radiant and leave the unattractive flat appearance behind. I am all about the glow. One of my top beauty fears is overly matte, parched, and flat skin *shudder*, and I believe that adding some glow is one of those steps that can change your look so dramatically and takes it up to the next level. However, there is an incredibly fine line between looking fresh and radiant and looking either like a sweaty greasy mess, or a disco ball. Not cute, nuh uh, no thank you. I personally dislike shimmery highlighters (my powder highlighters are gathering dust in my makeup collection as they tend to bring the shimmer and glitter to the party) and an overly dewy base can lead to things getting a little bit sweaty. Here's my alternative.

 I'm sure you all know how highlighting works: add small amounts to the high points of the face, yadda yadda yadda *yawn*. So you've got the technique down, bring out the star product. I absolutely adore the Models Prefer Liquid Light Brightening Primer. I frickin love this stuff and is one of my holy grail items. It works fantastically as a primer all over the face before foundation if my base is a little on the matte-r or satiny side of the spectrum, but on most days, I actually pop this on over the top of my foundation on my cheekbones, brow bone, down the centre of my nose, and in the middle of my forehead (for those with an oily t-zone- a.k.a. not me, you might need to skip the forehead glow factor). This leaves the most perfect glow to the skin- the perfect balance between being sheeny without any glitter or grease. 

The formula is a really light gel when sheered out adds no coverage- only a soft sheen with no glitter in sight. It's honestly like magic and I don't know how I got on without it. It's probably a bit extreme of me to say that it has shaken my makeup world completely, but I'm going to stand by that. This stuff is literally perfect. For $15 you get 30mL which is an absolute bargain, it hasn't upset my incredibly sensitive skin (a miracle in itself), the packaging is cute and it imparts the perfect glow. Winner, winner, chicken dinner.

Models Prefer, you're onto a winner with this little gem, and I'm looking forward to getting my mitts on some more of your products. Priceline, you better watch out because I'm coming for you!


  1. Wowza, the way you talk about this makes it sound truly amazing! I've never heard of this product before but will have a swatchy swatch next time I'm in Priceline! Did you find it worked like a conventional primer - smoothing, lengthening wear time?

    Tasha // shiwashiful.

    1. Do it! Bold statement alert: it's one of my favourite makeup products ever! Yes I find it gives a great base for my foundation and the when I use this my makeup seems to look better in the evening when it's time to take it off :)
